Nason Creek - Lower Oxbow Connection

Project Owner: Chelan County Natural Resource Dept.

This contract provided for the improvement of habitat on Nason Creek off of US2 by reconnecting relic Nason Creek channels. The work included excavation and grading for and the installation of a road to allow crew access to the site of construction of two 89-foot long railroad bridges and 24 h pilings. Three coffer dams (100’, 100’, 90’) were constructed along with structure to provided passage over the dams, installation of in stream structures including placements of woody debris, placement of live stakes, placement of ELJs and grade control ELJs, boulders, boulder weirs and roughened channel, placement of gravel associated with structure placement and salmon and forage fish spawning gravel restoration work. Three large culverts were removed and excavation and construction of a 220-foot long connector channel between the bridges occurred along with the construction of permanent access roads – one at 220 feet long at the upstream end of the project and the other, 1,650 feet long at the downstream end of the project followed by restoration of plantings and other natural habitat.  This is the first known project where BNSF has collaborated with the BPA, the provider of funding.


Entiat Park Revitalization

Commencing in late 2013, in the distance, is a hurst crew and equipment working to install initial erosion control measures to protect the waterways and their species from any runoff and turbidity that may occur due to construction activit…

Commencing in late 2013, in the distance, is a hurst crew and equipment working to install initial erosion control measures to protect the waterways and their species from any runoff and turbidity that may occur due to construction activities that will take place.

Located along the Columbia River and confluence with the Entiat River, this project involved the rehabilitation of about 40 acres of waterfront property for the Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County as a part of complying with its agreement with the town of Entiat, and the necessity to flood its old townsite, over 50 years ago, for the construction of the Rocky Reach Dam.  The hydroelectric power dam is located several miles south, downstream, on the Columbia River.